Office Policies:
Dr. Wilkinson only sees one patient at a time in order to give each patient his full attention, as well as only sees a limited number of patients per day. When you make an appointment, the scheduled time is reserved for your exclusive use. Dr. Wilkinson also meticulously prepares for each appointment by reviewing your paperwork, researching your questions and creating an individually tailored wellness program in order to provide you with the best care possible. For these reasons, if you are not able to make your appointment as scheduled, Dr. Wilkinson needs to know in advance so that he can contact other patients who are waiting for an appointment.
Cancellations/appointment changes require 48 hours notice and a Monday appointment cancellation/change must be in by the preceding Friday by 1:00 pm. Cancellations/changes with less notice will forfeit or be charged the respective appointment fee. This also applies to missed or no show appointments.
Cancellations/changes must be made by phone only stating name, date, and time that you are calling.
Patients arriving late for appointments will receive the remaining duration of their scheduled time and anything beyond fifteen minutes may constitute a no show fee along with being rescheduled.
Dr. Wilkinson does not participate or submit to any insurance companies. As such, forms beyond our invoices (which contain ICD-10 and CPT codes) will not be processed. It is ultimately the patient’s responsibility to check with their insurance carrier for lab testing coverage. Pre-authorizations are not done by our office. Participation by the lab with your insurance company means the lab accepts your insurance. This does not mean coverage of all testing is guaranteed. Nor does it guarantee charges like deductibles, co-pays, etc will not be incurred. Invoices can be provided upon request to patients wanting to attempt reimbursement for office visits. Specific insurance company forms such as HCFA 1500 will not be provided or filled out.
Letters for school, work, accommodations can be furnished upon request and will be charged a fee ( with the exception of medical exemption letters for vaccinations, which cannot be provided) .
Review of lab testing requires an appointment. Results will not be given in any manner other than a scheduled office visit. Under certain circumstances a phone appointment can be scheduled for reviewing lab results and will be charged the applicable fee.
Payment for appointments are due at the time of booking. Appointment times cannot be reserved without payment.
Emails with questions requiring more than a yes or no response require a phone appointment. Phone appointments are billed in 15 minute increments.
Follow up appointments are scheduled at appropriate intervals based on each patient’s individual concerns. Compliance with proper visit intervals is expected in order to progress with protocols.
Due to the nature of the practice and the type health issues we see, we ask that patients refrain from wearing perfumes or fragrances and that no cigarette smoke residue be brought into the office. In the event this occurs, the respective appointment will be considered a no show and will be charged accordingly.
23andme raw data processing carries a third party software vendor fee which is passed on to patients.
Protocols require compliance. It is recommended that protocols be followed without altering and/or introduction of outside recommendations and supplements.
Dietary meal and food plans regarding what to consume on a daily or weekly basis are not a part of services.
You are responsible for obtaining your previous medical records from your other physicians and health care providers. We do not accept username and passwords to your patient portals with other practitioners and/or facilities. Please contact your physician or other health care providers to obtain these records. Your records can be faxed to 631-209-8141. We ask that any records you provide be copies of your originals. Any hard copies we receive are scanned into digital format and are then shredded. The originals won't be returnable past this point. Digital submissions must be in pdf format and must be compatible for PC.
Prior lab results take considerable time to review prior to your appointment and require payment of $85 when booking (check off “Review of Records”)