Q. What happens during the initial visit?
A. On your first, visit we will do a thorough history looking at current symptoms, prior and current medical interventions, childhood illnesses, family history, behaviors, medication history, environmental exposures, etc. Prior labs will be reviewed together.
Q. My doctor performed labs since our last appointment. Can I send them to you and have you make recommendations based on their results?
A. No, this would require seeing the results and an appointment.
Q. Do you take my insurance?
A. No, I do not participate or submit to any insurance companies as they do not cover services for functional medicine. However, lab testing may be covered by your insurance company. It is ultimately the patient’s responsibility to check with their insurance carrier for lab testing coverage and pre-authorizations are not done by our office. Participation by the lab with your insurance company means the lab accepts your insurance. This does not mean coverage of all testing is guaranteed. Nor does it guarantee charges like deductibles, copays, etc will not be incurred.
Q. Can I use you as my primary care doctor or in place of my other medical doctor(s)? A. No. Dr. Wilkinson is not a substitute for either. It is urged that you continue with your current medical doctor or seek out the services of such as necessary. Questions regarding recommendations for medications from other practitioners cannot be answered.
Q. Do you provide dietary meal plans advising what foods to eat or how many calories to consume? A. No, guidelines may be given about what triggers may be in certain foods with suggestions to avoid them, but daily and weekly meal plans with macronutrient recommendations are beyond the purview of my services.
Q. My doctor did lab work last year, can we use those labs?
A. I typically ask that patients obtain their prior labs going back as far as necessary since there are usually relevant indications that may not have been addressed. There may be a fee depending on the amount of prior labs submitted for review prior to appointments.
Q. Will you use supplements as part of my protocol?
A. Yes, in most cases along with lifestyle recommendations.
Q. How many visits do I need?
A. Most patients have health concerns that have been ongoing and/or developing over long durations. Correction in the body takes place over time and can be 3 to 6 months at a minimum before appreciable changes are noticed. Visit frequencies are individualized based on your health needs and how you are progressing.
Q. How long until I see results?
A. Every person is different. Patients coming to my practice are here because their chronic health conditions have not responded to conventional, short term, symptom reduction type treatment. A new mindset is required because quick fixes do not work.
Q. Can I use my or my child’s ancestry.com report for the genomic testing?
A. No, I use the raw data from 23andme which is then run through a specialized software program. There is a $75 fee for running the software. Each person needs their own 23andme raw data and not a family members.
Q. How long are appointments?
A. Initial office visit 75 minutes.
Subsequent office visits 30-50 minutes.
Initial Nutrition Response Testing 50 minutes.
Subsequent Nutrition Response Testing 30 minutes.
Q. I am very sensitive to scents, what is your policy on perfumes?
A. Due to the nature of the practice and the type health issues we see, it is mandatory that patients refrain from wearing perfumes or fragrances and that no cigarette smoke residue be brought into the office. In the event this occurs, the respective appointment will be considered a no show and will be charged accordingly.
Q. What if I have questions…can I email or call you?
A. Questions requiring more than a yes or no response that cannot wait until the next visit, require a phone appointment. Please click here to schedule a phone appointment.
Q. What are your appointment fees?
A. Initial visit $395
Review of prior lab results $85
Follow up visits $275-$195 accordingly (based on duration and complexity of visit)
Initial nutrition response $195
Follow up nutrition response $105
Telephone appointment $60 per 15 minutes (billed in additional 15 minute blocks if more thanl 15 minutes)
23andme genomic testing - $225 (does not include 23andme raw data 3rd party software processing fee of $75)
Q. What if I need to cancel, reschedule, or fail to show for an appointment?
A. Cancellations require 48 hours notice and a Monday appointment cancellation must be in by the preceding Friday by 1:00 pm. Cancellations with less notice will be charged the deposit fee for new patients and a visit fee for existing patients. Cancellations must be made by phone only stating name, date, and time that you are calling. Deposits and/or prepaid appontment fees will not be refunded or credited when the policy is not met. The respective appointment fee will be charged for cancellations and missed appointments. Rescheduling requests require the same as above and may be charged a rescheduling fee.
Q. How do I book an appointment?
A. For my Smithtown location, please call 631-265-5656 to schedule an appointment. For my Hicksville office please click here to schedule an appointment online.
Q. Can you write a Letter of Medical Exemption for employer vaccine requirements?
A. These are not provided to patients.